LEDD-01 | LEDD-02 | LCDD-03 |
Product No. 4301-0012 Product No. 4301-0022 (with alarm) |
Product No. 4302-0012 Product No. 4302-0022(with alarm) |
Product No. 4303-0012 |
Input: 4...20mA | Input: 4...20mA | Input: 4...20mA |
loop-powered | loop-powered | loop-powered |
LED Display featuring 4 digits | LED Display featuring 4 digits | LCD Display featuring 5 digits |
Accuracy: ±0.1% of span ±1 count | Accuracy: ±0.1% of span ±1 count | Accuracy: ±0.1% of span ±1 count |
Variants with PNP/NPN/OPPO switching output |
Variants with PNP/NPN/OPPO switching output |
Variants with PNP/NPN/OPPO switching output |
range:- | range:- | range:- |
Voltage drop: 4.5VDC maximum | Voltage drop: 4.5VDC maximum | Voltage drop: 3.5VDC maximum |
Manual & Certificate | Manual & Certificate | Manual & Certificate |